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Supply Chain Management SCM - About PULSE

At PULSE the design, development and implementation of advanced Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems has been our singular focus since the early 1990s.

Over time, we have come to intimately understand the problems that confront the logistics sector and have developed a reputation for delivering effective, accurate and integrated logistics solutions systems to help meet those challenges.

View our Supply Chain Management SCM Client List .

PULSE … Because you want a supply chain management (SCM) solution provider who'll be around to support your systems into the future.

In a world where too many solution providers seem to be coming and going, PULSE has remained a highly stable entity. An important quality, we believe, that guarantees clients an uninterrupted level of commitment and support for the extended life of their ‘business critical’ IT applications. It’s equally a difference that contributes to a positive return on investment and the minimization of risk. Simply because users can be confident that the people who sell them a system will be the same people who will implement it and then help nurture it well into the future.

 PULSE Logistics Systems 

PULSE … Because the success of your supply chain management (SCM) applications will depend on the quality and expertise of your supplier’s support staff.

Our Logistics and IT Specialist teams have decades of highly relevant hands-on experience. All have worked on many supply chain management solution implementations. All undergo continual ongoing training. And all are fully conversant with the capabilities and deployment of the latest materials handling and IT technologies such as Voice and RFID. They are also the personnel who meticulously ensure that the implementation of any PULSE solution will be completed on time, on budget and to full specification.

PULSE … Because you need a supply chain management (SCM) supplier who is always in tune with the latest logistics techniques and technology.

 PULSE Logistics Systems 

It’s a statement of the obvious that technology never stands still. And equally the drive for improved productivity/cost savings is relentless. For example, to make their operations more cost effective, major customers are demanding that suppliers do things a particular way, meet specific logistics disciplines and use particular IT tools.

The trouble, is that for supplier there is much about those new procedures/equipment which is uncertain. How can it be implemented? Or introduced without adding cost? How must operations be changed to affect what is being demanded? What other systems changes are required to make things happen?

Answering such questions is precisely what PULSE Professional Services does. By keeping abreast of all significant operational/technical changes in supply chain management, we provide meaningful advice on such changes. We are able to guide clients through an evaluation of how/when changes might be made and assist in making those changes. And, we can show the lowest cost way in meeting end customer demands, while potentially making further productivity gains and cost savings in-house.

PULSE … Because you need a supply chain management (SCM) solutions partner whose R&D commitment ensures they are always at the forefront of industry standards and best practice.

At PULSE, we place considerable emphasis on continuing R&D. Not in a ‘technology for technology’s sake’ context but rather to ensure that our solutions are always at the forefront of industry standards and best practice.

Our aim is to ensure that our applications will always be ready, ahead of time, to meet any future client needs. In short, our goal is to lead not follow.

We were, for example, one of the first solution providers globally to deploy an advanced business-to-business internet application offering absolute supply chain visibility. We have similarly led the way in such things as EDI scan packing. And right now, we are regarded as a leading specialist in the use of tools such as voice and RFID.

PULSE … Because your supply chain management (SCM) systems must integrate to all your other key applications and they must be able to grow as you grow.

Two essential elements that underscore the design of all PULSE solutions are what we term integration and scalability.

The first of these means that when a client implements a new SCM application, they will know that this will seamlessly integrate with all the other IT systems that are already in use. Be those general business or ERP software packages or other logistics-specific computer tools. Because of this, users are able to reduce installation times to an absolute minimum, the process of cutting across to the new solution is greatly simplified and the investment in current systems is protected.

Such investment protection is also pivotal to the scalability of the PULSE product family. Here, our view that a user should only have to make a financial commitment today to the facilities and features that they need today. Equally, however, they should also be assured that their system can evolve over time.


PULSE Supply Chain Management SCM



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