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Introducing myStore your one stop stocktake solution

MyStore - The complete stocktake solution

Introducing myStore your one stop stocktake solution

If you or your staff are carrying out stocktakes with pen and paper or writing down information (eg. Serial Numbers, stock location moves, product prices etc) which need to be plugged into a spreadsheet or business system then look no further.

We have a solution which you have been waiting for. The myStore Stocktake and Data Collection system has been designed to provide an entry level solution to harnass the accuracy of barcodes without the upfront cost of implementing Enterprise IT systems. Even if your products don't have barcodes the system can still meet your needs via drop down menus.

With the to easy to set-up and use solution it enhances your existing systems by leveraging the power of barcode scanning increasing accuracy and efficiency for a fraction of the cost of other solutions.

Click here to find out more information.